Avoid These Petition Mistakes That Could Cost Your Ballot Spot

Petitioning is a critical step for any candidate running for office. However, the process is full of potential pitfalls that could disqualify you if not handled properly. Here are common errors to avoid when gathering petitions:

1. Incorrect or Incomplete Information

Missing signatures, wrong addresses, or incomplete sections can disqualify your petition. Double-check every entry for accuracy and completeness.

2. Signatures from Ineligible Voters

Signatures from unregistered or out-of-district voters won’t count. Verify voter eligibility before submission, including party affiliation where applicable.

3. Failure to Verify Signatures

Legitimacy matters. Confirm that each signature matches voter records. Some states also require notarization or witnesses—don’t skip these steps.

4. Unqualified Petition Circulators

Many states have rules about who can circulate petitions, including residency and age requirements. Ensure all circulators meet legal criteria to avoid invalidated signatures.

5. Not Gathering Extra Signatures

Always collect more signatures than the minimum required. This accounts for invalid entries and withdrawals, safeguarding your campaign against shortfalls.

6. Starting Too Late

Petitioning takes time. Begin early to avoid a last-minute scramble, giving yourself room to correct errors and collect valid signatures.

7. Ignoring Ongoing Reviews

Monitor petitions regularly for errors and invalid signatures as they’re collected. Early reviews can prevent costly mistakes before submission.

8. Hiring Bad Firms

Vet any firm you hire to avoid fraudulent practices. In Michigan (2022), a firm’s submission of 70,000 fake signatures disqualified five gubernatorial candidates.

By staying organized, verifying details, and working with trusted professionals, candidates can navigate petitioning successfully and secure their spot on the ballot.